Bank Transfer - Other Banks
Bank Transfer - Other Banks
- Choose payment method with ATM/Bank Transfer.
- Choose Bank lainnya
- Note your Payment Virtual Account number
- Complete your payment through ATM Bersama/Prima/Alto
ATM Bersama
- On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
- Choose Transfer
- Choose Antar Bank Online
- Enter 013 and 16 digits of your Payment Virtual Account number
- Enter your billing amount that you need to pay completely. Payment with invalid amount will be rejected automatically.
- Set empty for Reference Number then press Benar
- Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar
- On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
- Choose Transfer
- Choose Rek Bank Lain
- Enter 013(code of Bank Permata) then press Benar
- Enter your billing amount that you need to pay completely. Payment with invalid amount will be rejected automatically.
- Enter 16 digits of your Payment Virtual Account number then press Benar
- Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar
- On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
- Choose Transaksi Pembayaran
- Choose Lain-lain
- Choose Pembayaran Virtual Account
- Enter 16 digits of your Payment Virtual Account number then press Benar
- Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar
- Choose your bank account payment and press Benar