IPOC Secretariat

GAPKI Office
Sudirman Park Rukan Blok B No.18
Jln. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav.35
Jakarta Pusat 10220
Tel. +6221-57943852
Fax. +6221-57943872
Email : info@gapkiconference.org
Website : www.gapkiconference.org

Contact Us

Credit Card

Credit Card
  1. Choose payment method with Kartu Kredit/Debit.
  2. Enter 16 digits of your card numbers with expiration date and CVV as well.
  3. Make sure your payment detail information is valid to continue to 3D Secure step.
  4. One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your phone number that is being registered to your card.
  5. Enter OTP code that you received to 3D Secure page.
  6. Your payment with credit card is finish.

Bank Transfer - BCA

Bank Transfer - BCA
  1. Choose payment method with ATM/Bank Transfer.
  2. Choose BCA
  3. Note your BCA Virtual Account number
  4. Complete your payment through ATM BCA/Klik BCA/m-BCA


  • On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
  • Choose Transfer
  • Choose Ke Rek BCA Virtual Account
  • Enter 11 digits of your BCA account number then press Benar
  • Enter your billing amount that you need to pay
  • On transfer confirmation page, your payment detail information is appear. If information is valid, press Ya

Klik BCA

  • Choose Transfer Dana menu
  • Choose Transfer ke BCA Virtual Account
  • Enter your BCA Virtual Account number or choose Dari Daftar Transfer
  • Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Lanjutkan
  • Take your BCA Token and enter APPLI 1 of KEYBCA Response and then click Submit
  • Your transaction is finish.


  • Do log in on your BCA Mobile application
  • Choose m-BCA menu and then enter your m-BCA access code
  • Choose m-Transfer > BCA Virtual Account
  • Choose from Daftar Transfer or enter your destination Virtual Account Number
  • Enter jumlah yang ingin dibayarkan
  • Enter pin m-BCA
  • Your payment is finish. Keep appeared notification as proof of payment

Bank Transfer - Mandiri

Bank Transfer - Mandiri
  1. Choose payment method with ATM/Bank Transfer.
  2. Choose Mandiri
  3. Note your Mandiri Billing Code
  4. Complete your payment through ATM Mandiri/Internet Banking

ATM Mandiri

  • On ATM main menu, choose Bayar/Beli
  • Choose Lainnya
  • Choose Multi Payment
  • Enter 70012(Midtrans company code) then press Benar
  • Enter your Mandiri Billing Code then press Benar
  • On confirmation page, your payment detail information is appear. If information is valid, press Ya

Internet Banking

  • Login to Mandiri Internet Banking(https://ibank.bankmandiri.co.id/)
  • On main menu, choose Bayar then choose Multi Payment
  • Choose your account on Dari Rekening then in Penyedia Jasa choose Midtrans
  • Enter your Mandiri Billing Code then press Lanjutkan
  • Confirm your payment using your Mandiri token

Bank Transfer - Permata

Bank Transfer - Permata
  1. Choose payment method with ATM/Bank Transfer.
  2. Choose Permata
  3. Note your Permata Virtual Account number
  4. Complete your payment through ATM Permata/Internet Banking

ATM Permata/Internet Banking

  • On main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
  • Choose Pembayaran
  • Choose Pembayaran Lainnya
  • Choose Virtual Account
  • Enter 16 digits of your Permata Virtual Account number then press Benar
  • Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar
  • Choose your bank account payment and press Benar

Bank Transfer - BNI

Bank Transfer - BNI
  1. Choose payment method with ATM/Bank Transfer.
  2. Choose BNI
  3. Note your BNI Virtual Account number
  4. Complete your payment through ATM BNI/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking


  • On ATM main menu, choose Menu Lainnya
  • Choose Transfer
  • Choose Rekening Tabungan
  • Choose Ke Rekening BNI
  • Enter your BNI virtual account number then choose Tekan Jika Benar
  • Enter your billing amount that you need to pay completely. Payment with invalid amount will be rejected automatically.
  • Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Ya
  • Your transaction is finish.

Internet Banking

  • Type URL address https://ibank.bni.co.id then click Masuk
  • Enter your User ID and Password
  • Click Transfer menu then choose Tambah Rekening Favorit
  • Enter name, bank account number and email then click Lanjut
  • Enter Kode Otentikasi from your token and click Lanjut
  • Back to main menu and choose Transfer then choose Transfer Antar Rekening BNI
  • Choose account that you favorite before on Rekening Tujuan then continue your entry and press Lanjut
  • Make sure your detail transaction is valid then enter Kode Otentikasi and press Lanjut.

Mobile Banking

  • Open Mobile Banking BNI and do login
  • Choose Transfer menu
  • Choose Virtual Account Billing menu
  • Choose debit account number that you want to use
  • Choose Input Baru menu and enter 16 digits of your Virtual Account number
  • Billing information will appear on validation page
  • If the information is valid, enter Password Transaksi and click Lanjut
  • Your transaction will be processed

Bank Transfer - Other Banks

Bank Transfer - Other Banks
  1. Choose payment method with ATM/Bank Transfer.
  2. Choose Bank lainnya
  3. Note your Payment Virtual Account number
  4. Complete your payment through ATM Bersama/Prima/Alto

ATM Bersama

  • On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
  • Choose Transfer
  • Choose Antar Bank Online
  • Enter 013 and 16 digits of your Payment Virtual Account number
  • Enter your billing amount that you need to pay completely. Payment with invalid amount will be rejected automatically.
  • Set empty for Reference Number then press Benar
  • Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar


  • On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
  • Choose Transfer
  • Choose Rek Bank Lain
  • Enter 013(code of Bank Permata) then press Benar
  • Enter your billing amount that you need to pay completely. Payment with invalid amount will be rejected automatically.
  • Enter 16 digits of your Payment Virtual Account number then press Benar
  • Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar


  • On ATM main menu, choose Transaksi Lainnya
  • Choose Transaksi Pembayaran
  • Choose Lain-lain
  • Choose Pembayaran Virtual Account
  • Enter 16 digits of your Payment Virtual Account number then press Benar
  • Your billing amount, your bank account number and merchant name will appear on payment confirmation page, if all information is valid then press Benar
  • Choose your bank account payment and press Benar

GoPay/Pembayaran QR

GoPay/Pembayaran QR
  1. Choose payment method with GoPay on mobile device or Pembayaran QR on laptop.

GoPay (only on mobile)

  • Click Bayar dengan GoPay
  • Gojek application will be automatically opened
  • Check the details of your payment then click Pay and your transaction is finish

Pembayaran QR (only on laptop)

  • Open your desired mobile payment application. Make sure your mobile payment application is supporting for QRIS service.
  • Scan QR code that appears on your laptop monitor
    QR Payment
  • Check your transaction detail on your mobile application then tap button Bayar
  • Your transaction is finish
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